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in our mission!

Team Buildings
In line with the company’s mission to create and ensure excellent customer experience, we also take pride and exert efforts to extend the same to our internal customers, our IASA family. As part of our company culture of building meaningful relationships, we provide unique team building activities, and of course, destinations, that would really make our employees say #ThankyouIAS.
Just like how we bring our passengers around the world through our excellent customer service, we dream to travel the world with our employees and create core memories that we will cherish and experiences that we can share to our future passengers as well.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Advocacy on Protecting the Earth
With this call of action from our mother nature, IASA, Inc. continues to answer by being part of IAS Eco Heroes community where care for the environment is the top priority. The company recognizes the urgency of protecting our one and only home, our mother Earth.
In line with this, the company creates activities/projects that would be beneficial for our environment such as beach/coastal clean-ups, planting of local seedlings and mangroves, and attending/participating in environmental seminars to raise “green” awareness.
As one family with one spirit, we dream to breathe a cleaner air, to have a clearer water from our oceans down to our homes, and to have abundant blessings from our nature. And with this dream in mind, we continue to act and do our part so that our future generations can still call Earth their one and only home.

Advocacy on Education
As a way of showing our commitment and malasakit to give back to our community, the company included education as one of its advocacies for the corporate social responsibility.
This aims to provide more opportunities for children to start or continue with their academic endeavors, and in turn bring more students closer to their dreams and aspirations. Through different initiatives like donation of school supplies, books, uniforms, shoes/slippers, after hiking for hours to far-flung areas, we envision a community where achievement and excellence would continue to foster.